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June 08, 2012


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It's good to see you blogging again but I'm sorry things haven't been going so good for your son. And then add moving on top of everything and it sounds as if you have your hands full.


Hands full indeed. I really hope life will settle smoothly for you guys soon. Always happy to get an update here. Sending a big hug to you and a hello to the guys! xoxo


what a way to be reintroduced to the mess that is the american education system. may it be smoother sailing once he actually starts. looking forward to seeing more of you around these parts! -Karen


Thanks ladies for the lovely comments. I am grateful however that he was accepted to a school before the year was out. It went right to the wire. It would have been a long summer wondering where he was going to go & when a spot would open up for him.
Really appreciate all your kind words... xx tj


that bites, when it seems other people or things have all the power. don't let them crush your spirit, tj, for you are strong! :)

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