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April 30, 2012


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Thank you Hanai! So nice to see you here... xxtj


That is such a cool idea! I see those letters in the craft store and always think "what would I do with those"...now I know!


Thanks Janet! I think lots of people collage them but this is faster...

Sometimes people don't "make" a gift because they don't have a week to sew or crochet a blanket or baby clothes.

This is something equally meaningful, but easier to fit into our busy lives!!


Love this! The colors are perfect. I wish you were closer... I want to make a fun fabric for a charity event.

Heather Valentine

ps- you have been pinned!


THIS is groovy. The grooviest I've seen in weeks!


Hi, Buddy!
Great idea, and a different look from acrylic paint.

Kat Sloma

Those are awesome! Super cute. How are you doing with the adjustment back to the US? I think I'm finally back here fully. It took almost 9 months... I'm so glad to see you in the Liberate your Art swap this year again!!

Cath S

Brilliant! I have covered these in scrapbooking paper etc before and then spent ages sanding edges and fluffing round. Your way sounds much more efficient and looks gorgeous! What a lovely gift.

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