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March 30, 2012


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The more I think of this, I want to "re"surrect the old Crusades...


how perfectly fitting and beautifully restrained. there's SO much stuff in the old crusades on my "to do" list. so many I haven't even had the chance to read. an amazing REsource.

michelle ward

TJ - thank you for sharing your thoughts as you REflect on the crusades. Means alot to hear how they have fit into your creative journey. I love that you REvisited your Ward Boards. Almost forgot about them. Perfect to wrap it up with a page of REstraint. This is subtle, but draws attention to the love mix of colors, and all yout hand-drawn lines. This is SO TJ. Glad to have you back on the street this month. We love you wherever you are living. Isn't cool that while your local friends are now different, your online friends are still the same.


TJ, what a great post! I love the RE-straint and Re-visiting you did. Yes, I think it would be fun to go back and do all the crusades I missed. I also love what Michelle pointed out: After you move, your local friends are different while your on-line friends are the same- I love that!

Diana Taylor

I love the subtle colours you used - they work very well. I too will be going back and doing some old challenges - I only discovered the Crusades a couple of months ago so I have a lot to get through! I've really enjoyed looking at your work - thank you for sharing and good luck with your future challenges.


It is a pity that the Crusades are over, but what would you holding you back from REvisiting the older Crusades? At the moment I am involved in pattern design: http://colourbookstudio.wordpress.com/
but if I have time to take up mixed media again, I also would love to back through the old Crusades.

Cath S

REmarkable TJ. I like seeing your words in the background, in that scratchy 'just beneath the surface' look that I think adds so much depth.
I always enjoy my "end of month, and the newspaper's finished blog cruise 'n comment" time. It's been lovely to meet you and your work via the Crusades. Thanks for sharing what you do with everyone. May the rest of 2012 be filled with creative happiness for you.

Michelle Brown

TJ - I was thinking about revisiting the Crusades too - with 60 to complete, even at one a week, we would be busy for another whole year and a bit. Maybe Michelle will be back by then!

Gorgeous book cover (can't think of a clever "Re" word).... what about "REminiscent"?


Very cool! I kind of like that you had to paint over your first attempt and start over, it's like putting your more exuberant version behind a wall. And just think, maybe art historians a hundred years from now will find your work and digitally peel back the layers to find what you had covered up!


Look at this! I really like this. I want to put big letters on something! I want to use these colors because I never do! They are neato.

Here's the deal: I'm jealous. You came up with Ward Boards. Come ON!!! I'm a cardboard fan. I have little postcard or square-shaped pieces of cardboard REady for use, and I never once called them Ward Boards, even though I know how WARDian cardboard can be!

I realize this post isn't about me, but I felt honesty was the best policy.

I honestly love it that Michelle brought us closer. And we both know she likes us equally, probably. No. I insist.

I'm off now, to see your links. What a great idea. I counted up my contributions and got confused around number three. So you are my inspiration!

Lay Hoon

TJ, i love your sharing here.
The 'Re' hit me most.

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