The craziest thing has happened since I've stopped blogging.
I met an art friend. IN REAL LIFE.
We've been having a lot of fun, and I'm getting introduced to all kinds of products on the US market that that probably would have otherwise eluded and bewildered me. (Here's a post she wrote about sharing her pan pastels if you want to see us dorking out)!
Last week she let me play with her homemade alcohol inks. I've never used any kind of alcohol ink, so I had no idea how cool they were. And get this: all she did was pull apart a Sharpie and marinate the little ink pad in rubbing alcohol which she funneled into a mini spray bottle!! Genius!
Since meeting Goog, I've completely changed the way I work in my Moleskins. Before I was kind of picky and boring. I used Moleskins as my lab documentation. Moleys were my decompression zone where I made my lists and jotted down ideas for later. And although they're still not where I'm going to do a lot of "pretty work" I am slopping more and more stuff in there and not really caring if stuff bleeds through, sticks together or runs all over the edges of other pages. Too much anyway.
There are many days where I miss everybody in the blog-o-sphere, but I can't help but notice that since I've stepped away from my computer, I've stepped more into my life.
I've painted my nails. I've dyed my hair red, I've gotten a library card. I've got some potential jobs cooking on the side. I'm networking. I'm doing some private mail swaps without all the hoopla of a big public one.
What I miss most is visiting friend's blogs and keeping up with what everybody is doing. I hope that soon I can find a way to hop around occasionally so I don't lose track of everyone.
Beginning February, I start my first class at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. I'll be back to share that adventure... but until then, keep on crack-a-lackin! xx tj
All that work with Goog required a LUNCH BREAK...
Oh this is a very very awesome happy post!! Yes! Go get 'alive' again and enjoy it full blast!!!! Sounds like you are blossoming insdie and outside, ENJOY!!!
Smiles, Anke :)
Posted by: Anke | January 18, 2012 at 03:16 PM
Beautiful pieces. Looks like you had a blast. YUM on the lunch break photo.
Posted by: Linda | January 18, 2012 at 04:40 PM
Everything about this post made me smile....and most especially the paint smeared hands having lunch!! I'm so very very happy for you. It sounds as if you're discovering all sorts of new things and new friends. Fantastic!!
Posted by: Janet | January 18, 2012 at 05:16 PM
Thanks gals, Goog is great. We had fun this morning actually, my hands look like they've lost all their circulation but it's actually just dye that I can't wash off...
That lunch was uber-YUM. Goog has a toaster oven that made those flautas so crispy. I've forgotten how great Mexican food after being gone so long...
Posted by: TJ | January 18, 2012 at 09:54 PM
HA!! This blog post makes me sound so much cooler than I am in real life!!
Posted by: Goog | January 18, 2012 at 11:18 PM
Posted by: TJ | January 18, 2012 at 11:22 PM
popping by to say 'hi!'- so glad you have made this connection!
Posted by: Robin Norgren | January 19, 2012 at 03:14 PM
Miss your blog visits too, but glad you're got colours and friends and stuff going on IRL of course! Take care sweet one!
Posted by: iHanna | January 19, 2012 at 05:02 PM
Miss your visits, miss your posts and still hoping this will turn into a blog about all your arty activities. Sounds like you're having fun
Posted by: German Gems | January 19, 2012 at 08:19 PM
Looks like you had so much fun with this, call me when you can. XOXOXO
Posted by: Mary Frankovich | January 20, 2012 at 06:25 AM
Your pretzel post reminded me I have a pretzel accessory with your name on it gathering dust on my shelf. If you email me your address to littlelixie at hotmaildotcom I'll pop it to you xx
Posted by: Lixie | January 22, 2012 at 10:20 PM
I knew you couldn't stay away! We love you as you establish yourself here in America, too, ya know! It doesn't matter what country you're in, ya big lug. Just pop in & share every now and then. Voila'!:You're blogging.
Hugs to TJ from DJ !
Posted by: DJ | February 05, 2012 at 05:27 AM
I missed you, too, but I know absolutely, exactly what you mean. I'm doing some postcard swaps and thinking how awesome your work is. Fiber arts are rockin, too!
Take care
Posted by: Chris | February 13, 2012 at 05:03 AM