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November 25, 2011


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I really hope you guys like this post and it keeps you busy shopping all weekend...!


happy holidays and love your idea - yay! thanks for including my printable journal kit :)


Hey TJ - so glad to see you actively blogging again! We've missed you and your awesome art slash humor.


Awesome post, and I so agree with you. Buy handmade people!

And thanks for including me + don't forget to send your husband a link now! ;-)


Happy first of advent!


TJ, this is such an awesome idea, you're such a generous girl, thank you for including my little art place here :)

Jenny Lee Wentworth

Sweet, thanks for including me!!! :)
Hope you had a Happy Turkey Day, I'm thankful for you. :)


What a great post! Thanks for the fun links. It makes Christmas shopping a lot more fun than circling around for a parking spot!


Yeah! It's a pleasure to support my arty friends... I hope there is some success from this, even if it just increases browsing at your sites.

Jenny, I'm happy to see your items sold! The links still bring people to your store so I'm not too worried about linking anyplace else...

hugs, tj


I behind you on this TJ :) (& thanks for explaining Black Friday, had´nt a clue)

Robin Norgren

I am IN LOVE with the girl pretzel canvases!!!

best identity protection

Tj a Great idea and Thank you for informing about black Friday This is a very informative blog.

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