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November 15, 2011


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I don't think I've ever seen anything like that! It must have been a weird combination of beautiful and tacky and strange all mixed up together. At least you got some great journal pages out of the experience! Love the numbers!


Janet - you're not kidding. It was certainly umm let's say "special."

We've stayed in so many various hotels over the years and the big test for me is cleanliness and then good quality linens/comfy bed. This hotel totally passed... and it was fascinating.

Plus I connected with a lot of the staff. They were lovely and really good to our kid. It made our life better during a big change!


Oh, I love it! I love hotels that have a bit of personality, and that place looks like it has loads. Gorgeous details.


Fiona - I suspect it may have been a case of multiple personalities, or full blown schizophrenia. But in a fun and groovy sort of way... it was certainly better than staying somewhere boring.

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