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August 03, 2011


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I'm pulling for you to win, tj! They definitely need to have a blogger there with a global perspective and that sounds like you. It's a gorgeous picture of you.


OK after writing this, I'm wondering if you're even supposed to talk about your stats or if I've gone and done the blog equivalent to telling people your bank account balance or how much you weigh...

German Gems

Oh, I hope you win! Then you can share everything you learned with all of us who didn't get to go. Good luck.


This entry is an absolute winner, you should definitely win that ticket, my vote goes to you :)


You totally crack me up and have quickly become one of my favorite blogs to visit! I'm throwing some good karma your way and hope you win so that the entire world can discover Studio Mailbox and all you have to offer in the blogosphere.

PS I had a similar experience and thought I had picked up a really interested follower only to discover that the "do not track visits from this computer" function had somehow turned itself off on my stat counter and I was accidentally stalking myself!

PPS That photo is gorgeous!


I've got a pretzel for you.... http://icanhascheezburger.com/2011/07/31/funny-pictures-the-pretzel/


I am wishing you all the good luck to win!! You can do it tj;) you deserves to win that and therefore, over again you can share new info and knowledge to us. Keep moving;

Carola Bartz

They have to give you the tickets, don't they?


Drats! I cannot express my disappointment at losing the tickets. It was a random draw and somehow I was NOT the winning number. But lets keep the faith, I'm sure something is going to work out!!!


I came by to see what you've been up to...awwww...sorry you didn't win the tickets. Good luck on your move back to the states...I hope all goes well for you and yours.

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