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July 27, 2011


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lynda howells

what a wonderful give-away and l loved the video too. please put my name down as l would love to win this book as l follow her work with admiration on her blog! lynda x


dearest sweet TJ, the book looks really interesting and inspiring. What's meaningful to me? Lots of things tho it's hard to pick just one. I think living life and living your dream like it matters most. Thanks so much for such a wonderful inspiring giveaway! Have a lovely merry happy mid-week and love to yoU!

Joanna Paterson

What a great video - thanks for sharing the work in progress :-) It was interesting to see some of Quinn's techniques being put into practice - I am also a long time follower of her blog, and wouldn't mind winning a copy of the book. Especially as she said it wasn't just US and Canada (I'm in Scotland). Thanks for the opportunity - and the chance to meet you through your blog.


I would so love to win this! I am learning about work and journalling and need all the help I can get!


Love your video TJ; inspirational, fun, fast and furious! :-)

Meaningful to me: having a home where I feel comfortable and safe, where I can keep my things organized (or not) and sit and create art, sleep well at night and be content.



Thanks for sharing your work! I think what's meaningful to me is my family first, and also my friends who I share ideas with and have fun creating together whether it's in a class or get-together. It's so much fun being with other art lovers.

Marilyn Harris-Mills aka Maer

What is meaningful to me? It's very simple for me....a moment in time. To be fully present, with all my senses involved, to completely experience all the moment provides.


Meaningful...those seemingly insignificant events that come on you unexpectedly...like someone is whispering...pay attention!!

Sherrie Roberts

How wonderful of you to have a give away! I loved the video and how you used all the elements of art.


I am totally a cat person so I'd love the cat postcards especially. Receiving the book would be a great gift because I cannot afford to buy the book (book buying has been banned for at least a year!). I could get it from the library, but you can't write in them, sigh. I especially enjoyed watching TJ do the project she did--maybe I, even I, really can do art!


Lovely video! *...ummm, tell your inner critic to sit down and shut up!* LOVED the stitching over the imagined landscape to created the ATC frames (inspired!)

Meaningful (to me): quiet moments that inspire larger/rowdier thoughts - that then inform the color and rhythm of my next creative session... The 'wheel of life' keeps on turning; and I am enjoying the ride!

Sherrie Roberts

I went over to You Tube, and Posted to both my Facebook, and I that Twitter Thing as you said. I also, listed the video to Google +1 Recommendations.
Also, I am signed up to take an online class with Quinn. You talk with Her, please tell Her that Cabbages are alive. I promise.

Sherrie Roberts

Jackie Wimberly

YOu both did a terrific job...with the video!I loved it!
I can't wait to see the book.
I hope I'm the winner.
I'm also signed up to take the class with Quinn.Yahoo!
Jackie Wimberly


Really glad I followed the trail of online crumbs to your blog, just spent a pleasant while exploring it.

What I think is most full of meaning would have to be a dictionary... Oh, wait, no, that's full of meanings! ;) No, seriously though, for me it would be a heartfelt hug at the right time, or a quiet word, or a written line that shows someone's thinking about you (or vice versa) right then.


What's meaningful to me? My family, my garden, and my new-found love of making art! I am just starting out in mixed media and am finding the creative outlet so inspiring. It makes life more meaningful!

Robin H

Very excited about your giveaway. What's meaningful to me is being able to share any part of my own life experience that can stir another to search for that part of themselves (which may have been long buried)that sparks their love for life and can help them embrace who they are and live fully each day.


nice video and I love the colourful page!
I'd love to win the book also.... ;-D

Heather Thompson

Love the video and the book looks like just what I need to free me up. Meaningful to me is creating something every day and teaching my son to create.

Kim Santini

I cannot wait to get a copy of this book - I know that it will be a valuable addition to my studio library. As to what's meaningful to me, it would be the look of amazement on a student's face when they discover the joy of creating/journalling. I tell my "kids" that anything goes in their books, and we break all the rules in the process of building our journals, and they are astounded at the beauty that emerges from their own fingertips!

bev a

meaningful to me? I'm not lucky enough to have a dedicated art room yet; but I do have my "space", and it is very meaningful to me. I particularly like playing in my space surrounded by my family watching tv or just chatting.
bev a


Meaningful to me?? Boy that's a question - I guess it may even depend on the day. But first and foremost would always be my family - a smile on a child's face can always lift you spirits. Everything else is secondary in comparison. I guess I will have to ponder that one a bit more to come up with a better answer for myself.

Bo mackison

Meaningful can be anything that touches a special place in you, a photo of a wilted flower, apath in woods, a special color. Something that helps make you YOU.

German Gems

What's meaningful to me? Having a purpose for someone or something, big or small.
Your video makes me want that book...

Melissa Parks

I wanna be in on the fun! As to what;s meaningful, right now it's....COLOR. It seems like I am drawn to the same colors over and over when I am creating. Even when I try to "branch out", my hand keeps reaching for the same colors. Until, of course, my eye is taken by the next lovely combo. Thanks for the fun giveaway, TJ.


Hello from Ireland!

Please put my name in the hat, I'm fairly new to the art journalling world... After many failed attempts things are starting to flow... It's becoming more natural but I would die for advice and guidance!

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