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July 01, 2011


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you always make me smile :)

I'm off to a rock festival this weekend, and I will be praying for one of the between set DJs to play Voodoo Child so I can wow the assembled crowd (who will be mainly approx one third my age) with my (well, your) move :)


Sarah, be careful with this move, it's a major crowd-pleaser! I forgot to mention that you need to shake your head just enough to give your hair some movement, but not SO much to look like a head banger. Good luck! Take pictures...


oh my gosh TJ what a fun girl you are! Giving the phrase "brave girl" deeper meaning...


I'm pretty sure we'd rather see video of YOU doing air guitar to Voodoo Child. I'll be waiting... ;0)


This is so funny!
I know just what you mean.

And isn't life an adventure..?


I think you should video that move and share it here so that we can be absolutely sure that we're doing it right :D


Yeah ladies - I'm a freaky ninja when this song comes on! But sadly, I think it would be a mistake to make a you-tube video of this... the move is just too powerful, and should only be used for the betterment of mankind.

Plus, if I ever want future employment, it's probably best that my claim to fame is not some of my signature dance moves. That would be totally unfair to gain employment based on my dance skills and not my life skills.

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