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July 24, 2011


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Hi TJ! I found your blog through The Pulse and have had a lovely time poking around and looking at your art. Your personality really shines through in your words and images. I especially love your lettering!

Dave Dubé

I'm here via Seth - as well! Making an effort to visit each and every artist that is featured each week, and then 'explore' each of them. Doing lino cuts is a bit off my radar, but the one that was featured - if it is indeed from a cut - is awesome! You don't need a high-priced press to create awesome art. All you need is SOUL!


Congrats on being featured on Seth's blog. And thanks for the video link. I've never done any lino cutting but it looks interesting.


So happy that you are a part of The Pulse TJ. And thank you for spreading the word about the project.


Thanks for sharing the video, what a cool printing method, wish I could try it some day but not sure I'd take a class... It's probably too organized for me, I want to do it the "slap some paint on"-way! ;-) Love your style file-submission, beautiful flowers that are very TJ indeed.


Hey, I just saw your entry on Seth's Style File and loved it so so much that I had to hurry over here.

It was so interesting to read about your momentary jealousy of another artist, because today, as I was seeing the rich offerings online, including yours, I wondered why I'm kidding myself that I actually have some technique or something to contribute. I guess we all have to come to terms with something like that some time. I may not ever, but believe me, You've got it, woman! You rock.


Welcome Pat and Dave! And a big *thanks* to Seth for bringing us together. What better way to start the week than with new blogging friends!

Dave my image in the post is not a lino print, I just couldn't find a shot of an inked plate or a brayer so I used the "closest" thing which was a shot from a CMYK canvas I made for my hubby.

Janet, Hanna - thanks for your lovely words! Maybe we should make a workshop called "For the Love-O Lino!"

Chrissy - you sweetie pie. Thanks for your support. Sometimes it's hard to write about my less than desirable traits yet I think it's important to keep it real. We're all human. My bad!!


Dearest sweet TJ, congrats on being featured on Seth's blog!! Your work is gorgeous. :) Thanks also for sharing that video with us.

It's really nice to catch up here on your inspiring sapce and have a cup of tea with you.

Have a lovely merry happy mid-week and love to you!

Julie Stenning


Can we go to Mijas together in 2012? That might be the only way we get to see each other again.


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