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April 20, 2011


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I adore the picture you submitted. What a great capture with the little boy with the balloon framed by such beautiful buildings. Now, I want to come visit you!!!


Looks like an adorable town!


Thanks ladies! Anne, the photo I submitted to the expat blog is on their site... I gave them the "best" one in my mind. Although the hanging hearts imply a "huge" market, ours is quaint! I've been telling you all along to come visit, maybe I should do more of these posts to lure y'all in!


Wonderful post with beautiful photos. This looks like a fabulous place to live... except for all that snow in the one photo.

German Gems

Thank you for sharing. Ochsenfurt has been on my "to visit" list and you've just given me more reasons to get there sooner rather than later. Looking forward to visiting with you one day soon.


Beautiful photos! Thank you for giving us some insight into where you live. It's really lovely.


TJ, your town is so adorable. It reminds me of a lot of where I live, including the little ferry that crosses the river. Really lovely photos.


What a great post. You should write for the local travel bureau--you make it so tempting to visit! That rainbow over your studio? The pot of gold? The real treasure lives right there--it's YOU!


Thanks for sharing your world with us. Loved reading it.

Very familiar the smell situation... I live in a beer-brewing city and twice a week we get "tortured" by brewing-stink. According to how the wind blows it's more or less bearable.

Lovely photos... cute place. Now off to check out the expat-site. xoxo

Lay Hoon

Beautiful & breath-taking !!
I especially likes the German homes.


Thanks so much for the mention and for submitting your photo. I haven't been to Ochsenfurt yet, but it looks beautiful. I'll have to add it to the list :)


I don´t think I could live in such a small town, but you´ve made me waht to go there on vacation - looks great!

karl marschall

we live in maryland usa, my mother is 82 , she was born and raised in klien ochsenfurt, thanks for all the info

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