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April 21, 2011


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I just looked back at your Creality post and LOVE the idea of a Creality channel! I'd watch it too and then go try to make something.


We need more creativity channels . . .
Thank you so much for writing the post over at my blog. I know it was a lot of work, but SOOO worth it!


Creality TV would be SO fun, but I'd get sucked in too fast. You know I wish they'd go make a place where are the best arty You-Tube videos are already sorted for us.

That would be the people's channel...


Happy Easter! Love the guest post.

The Dreaming Bear

Hello! So happy to hear from you, and happy to know my postcard made it to your doorstep...finally! I mailed those weeks ago!! Ha! Oh well..better late than never! Having fun visiting your blog, and will be back to visit again! Cheers! -Dori

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