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April 14, 2011


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One of my sketching partners is an coach. I think one of the big benefits for people is that the coach can be honest, without the person taking it personally like they might with a family member. Am I surmising correctly that you might be trying to learn to be a creative coach?


Wow Anne, I'm flattered you'd even think I'd have something to offer others besides the scattered ramblings on this site! Thank you for the compliment but no... coaching is not in the cards for TJ.

I'll have to keep y'all guessing... LOL.


It's a great idea. I have joined a group in Berlin that meets once a month where you can bring along (if possible) what you are working on and receive creative criticism or feedback or direction if you're feeling a little stuck. I've still to go to my first meeting, but I am hoping it'll help motivate me.

Right now though, I'm off to check out those links.


oooo!! i'm intrigued...and might need one myself.


Great and thorough explanation of the benefits of creative coaching! Of course, I'm with everyone else, wondering what your big secret will be...hmmmm....Love the stencil!


All will be revealed in good time grasshoppers...!! LOL ;)


Finding a good coach to guide you gently but firmly through whatever it is that you want to improve on is one of the best things ever, go TJ and hurry up with revealing your secret, I want to know what you're up to, hurry, hurry :)

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