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March 25, 2011


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Yea! I'm so happy to see what everyone is doing for the swap. It's fun to see how each person interprets the theme. I really like your quirky piece.

PS - no, I didn't get your name for Hanna's swap....sorry!


Quirky is right -- I hope it doesn't terrify my swap partner!! LOL.

I was trying to think what the statistical possibilities were of me getting a postcard from you if there are 280 players all making 10 cards...then my ears started smoking and I gave up!!

Lay Hoon

Such a wonderful swap you girls having now.

I'm in Hanna's postcard swap too .
Plan to make them this week :)


Glad you're in Hanna's swap too Lay -- maybe I'll get lucky and get one of YOURS then!!


I think it looks like she has wings for flying, and I like that thought. :-)

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