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January 04, 2011


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OMG! Giesela, I am so happy you posted this, because you are making me chuckle as I thought the same thing about just acting like I didn't PAY to do this! Since you are a fellow flyer, I'll be perfectly honest, I haven't even started!! So ripping it all out and starting from zero is actually way ahead of me! I have THOUGHT about it quite a bit and will start TODAY! I'm going to just have at it! I'm definitely going to decorate the cover in acrylics with maybe a little mixed media so as to entice looky-loos to check it out. What will be inside remains to be determined. Good Luck, Girl!

Oh, my theme is...It's Raining Cats and Dogs! I love Cats and Dogs!! This should be easy!


Haha yessss my fellow flyer GULP me too! I am in the same boat I messed with my pages when I first got it thinking I can paste pages together and gesso them easily...ugh. Some are wrinkled and I don't like the texture of the gesso so I was debating to tear them out too! but I have no clue on how to bind new pages in. And I just looked at my journal and realized I didn't gesso every page AND gluing some pages together to make them thicker helped reduce the page count for sure! I have 29 pages to fill!! think I can do it? I was also thinking I can sketch on better/thicker watercolor paper then cut to size and paste the thinker paper onto the inside of my book pages - what do you think? do you think that'll work or will it be too think?

My them is "A Day In The Life" and I will be sketching either my dog or all types of dogs, haven't decided yet.

Good Luck and keep us posted. I'll have to ass a post to my blog about this as well...that's only "if" I start this thing cus you know I was debating ditching the whole thing as well...ugh and to think that I paid the extra $$ to have it online as well..ugh my bad.


Man I can't believe I already paid to have mine digitized too...! Aww c'mon gals. We can do this. There is still time... I just feel like I have to post mine before the 15th because I'm farther away. Am I paranoid...???

Valerie Weller

I am laughing out loud after reading your post!! I love your honesty and humor. I have to tell you, I chickened out and didn't do it, because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to handle completing it. So, in light of that, please know that you inspire me for taking the challenge! I love the page you posted above!! And a lot of times, the best work comes out of the pressure at the end. Sending you good thoughts!! hugs to you & have fun~~


Oh dear, guilty as charged, have thought about doing it, then thought some more, then...I forgot all about it until I came here. Oh no, entering major panic mode! I'm off to think about some really good excuses as to why I didn't do anything with this lovely, lovely project, I feel some creative lying/story fabricating coming up, I feel so ashamed but it's the best strategy I can think of right now :D


I just tore out a couple of pages from mine yesterday as I'm (gasp!) tired of mine too. I am going to leave the red cover and just add a label, then ta-da to that one!

Ooo, I hope you finish! Hurry hurry, you can do it TJ! I want our sketchbooks to have a rendez vous in America! :-)


I chose the same theme, "figuring you out" that became "figuring me out". Not easier turned that way. I really hope I'll make it on time, I do it every free minutes i got.

We can do it !

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