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November 05, 2010


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I totally get that you miss speaking your own language with the people around you, that must be hard. I feel like that when I write my blog sometimes, frustrated at the words not coming as easy as I want them to. I hope you can travel home every now and then?

Very cool spread btw. VerY!


Beautiful page. Fabulous photography.


You're more than welcome to come back here and we can maybe go hunting for some best ever cheese instead of best ever pretzel? Worth thinking about, I'm good with cheese and can teach you about it too :)


Pretzel sighted TJ, you must see:


isn't it cute? I own one similar in gold that I got years ago, but if I knew your hubby's mail address I'd send him a link as a little Christmas idea.... ;-)

Your crazy Twickenham friend....

Well blow me down - I never thought I'd hear (see?!?) you say that...!

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