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July 11, 2010


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LOL! Your last paragraph had my howling!

Great product review. Thanks for sharing.


Yup, marrying someone outside of your nationality can be complicated but also quite hilarious really, especially when things get lost in translation, my favorite part of being married to my Englishman :)
Btw, if you love Elizabeth then you must watch her talk on TED, you'll love it, here you go: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html. Enjoy.


Oooo...I totally agree about Elizabeth Gilbert AND her book "Committed." I'm not totally committed yet to The Mann in the marriage way, but I could really relate to the book and her pragmatism when it comes to marriage and relationships. And Eat, Pray, Love had a huge influence on me and even on my decision to move to Germany. I met her once 3-4 years ago at her Eat, Pray, Love reading/book signing in my U.S. town and I couldn't keep the worshipful adoration from my eyes. :-) Funny, her reading was the last stop on her tour and she told us that the next day she was flying home and she was getting married that weekend.

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