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June 09, 2010


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Oh, goodness. Sometimes it seems as if it is almost impossible to come up with a wholly original idea anymore because there are SO many people creating now and I don't think that it is too far-fetched to think that two people can come up with the idea independently, but at different times.

A quilting blog I follow is doing a different type of stitching every day for a year. She has had DVDs made of all the stitches. She just found that the design for day 11 is similar to someone elses and she is having to get rid of all the DVDs she had made to sell. The design is like a banana-looking kind of stitch that is so generic it would seem to be hard to copyright.

I opened the mail yesterday and got a fabulous little package from you!!!!! I love the little art treasures you sent. My husband loved them, too. Thank you SO much!


Can a word belong to anyone? Words are made up every day, and if you made it up at the same time as someone else did, or after without knowing it... or was inspired by someone else's project and won't make a published book out of it... I see no problem with your how you named your own project, it is not the same as the round robin books with letters that Lynne did? Alas, in the US many normal words are copyrighted, not just brand names. I don't get that. :-)

Take care and don't worry too much about it.

Julie Stenning


If you thought up the word then it is your work. Somebody else just thought up the word as well. That is how language progresses. I think you should stick with your name and not feel bad about it. How do you know that you did not think of it before Lynne Perella? Also, if it is from the 14th Century then it is part of the language any way. You can't stop using the word "the" after all.


oh dear, yes...it is heartbreaking when you find that something you created and treasure so much...has sort of been done. darn it! i do think it's possible to come up with the same thing as someone else... but when it comes to doing work, publishing, etc...just comes down to the law...if it's been copyrighted, trademarked...etc... all that confusing stuff for sure!

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