As hinted at before, I tried my hand at movie making. Now I just need to figure out how to upload it to the blog. I really wanted to thank all the people who took the time, energy and money to create a mother-themed postcard and send it to Studio Mailbox.
The film is certainly no Hollywood production but I've got to say that i-Movie is amazing. Having exactly no clue what I was doing, I managed to integrate a video recording, photography and music. The voice-over was terrifying and turned out a bit smoky and gruff (is that what I actually sound like???) Wacky! And I'm sorry I shamelessly taped my child. I have no idea why I didn't take more video of installing the actual artwork, or of our town. But it was ironic that the week I was trying to get this done, I had no help with childcare!
It's definitely an improvement from the year all the calendars were wrong!
Of course this wouldn't have happened without the help and support from you all. A special thanks to Jacqueline, who did so much to promote my initial call for mail art as well as Katryn the local music teacher who encouraged the class not only to send postcards but also helped me get the song recorded:
Viele kleine Leute Many little people
an vielen kleinen Orten in many little places
die viele kleine Schritte tun can make many little steps
koennen das Gesicht der Welt veraendern. to change the face of the world.
Happy Mother's Day.