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May 12, 2010


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I will be hoping you win them because they are quite expensive here in the U.S., but they are wonderful to work with!


Swedish way is more similar to German's than English, ours: "Hold your thumbs", but I don't think you need it. It's a winner!


Hope you win them!

1st. lady of kleinochsenfurt

Tschakaaaa, du schaffst es, du Fleißige! Es sieht wie immer supergrandios aus! Viel Glück!!! Liebe Grüße von deiner Lehrer-Nachbarin: Ich drÜck dir die Daumen (drUcken=to print; drÜcken=to press) ;))


I think you have a winning pece of art here - they are crazy if they don't pick your design! So original and bold - love it!


Lovely paintings... I seriously LOOOOVE your stuff. Yay, Copic-Markers... Drücke meine Daumen AND cross my fingers for the contest!

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