Like in 2009 when I committed myself to daily creative actions this year I am going to attempt to work regularly in a loose page journal that I've titled my "Resolutionary Alphabetica."
I started this back in 2008 when I chose meaningful words for myself that represented every letter of the alphabet. I did it again last year and immediately wanted to compare it to the words I had previously chosen. This being my third year, it's getting even more interesting. Somewhat of a twist on resolutions, more like an annual typographical overhaul!
This isn't exactly an original idea. Lynne Perrella wrote a book on it (which I haven't read yet) and bloggers like Patti Digh have previously counted down a year's end through blog posts corresponding to the letters of the alphabet. Historically there have been countless needlepoint and cross stitch patterns incorporating the ABC's into samplers.
All these things have inspired me to express my love of letters, enjoy using stencils and hopefully benefit from the power and magic of words.
Curious about the words you will be using!
Posted by: Jacqueline | January 03, 2010 at 03:51 PM
Love the cover image, and am curious about the rest of the pages! You should get Perrella's book, it's one of my favorites - letters and numbers are great to use in art!
Happy New Year and thank you for a great year of inspiration, gifts and postings on your blog!
Posted by: iHanna | January 03, 2010 at 07:47 PM