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January 19, 2010


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Ha! I love this post. Great writing! sarah


I vote for the reality show! LOL This post is so hilarious!

Love the art as well. Painful is just glorious!

Arty hugs my hanai :)


Yes, let's go for that television show - better yet, put it on YouTube for the rest of the world as well...LOL!
Yeah, there is no fun in organising things, but I do love how it clears my mind (spent this day filing tons of papers and still not finished - but more space in my little workroom which does wonders!)

Looking forward to the solution....!

Cliff Stuehmer Jr.

Perhaps it's a bit late, but I hope it helps anyways. I have found the combination of Gmail, Google Contacts, and desktop software (Apple Mail and Address Book in this case) to be the best for my many devices and platforms. For contact clean-up, nothing I've yet seen beats Google Contacts' ability to identify merge duplicate contact records quickly and painless.

But there I go again, trying to fix everyone's problems.

I keep stumbling over a dearly departed friend's data in my contacts, calendar, etc. and you're right it's eerie. I guess (in her case) I prefer the occasional reminder of our shared laughter and enthusiasm to wiping out any chance of triggering a (slightly forlorn) smile.


Groovy Cliff! I had no idea that Google had a spot to enter all your contacts. Since I've written this sad profession of my disorganization, I have cleaned up my act a bit and gotten a little more straightened out. The other day I was thinking how I should put birthday info into my calendar even! (Huge strides for someone like me, LOL)!!! Thank you so much for your advice and thanks again for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

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