My friend Guus Stoop is embarking on a new life adventure. After 27 years contributing to the advancement of human life as a research and development scientist for heart pacemakers, he's stepping out into the world on his own two feet. His new business; Mens In Uitvoering.
Years ago when we first met, I remember teasing him how great it was that he could make a failing heart function again but that it would be better if he could figure out how to fix a broken heart.
It would change the world!
This man with "about" 25 patents went back to school and graduated this spring with a psychology degree. (Guus doesn't know exactly how many patents he has or contributed to. I guess after a couple dozen a guy just loses track). Anyway, now he's ready. Ready to bring the physical and emotional together.
His deep interest: Ubuntu philosophy. His motto, a quote from Baruch Shalem, "There's nothing wrong with you that what's right wtih you can't fix."
For his scientific retirement gift, I intuitively created a set of 36 power-word shrines. I know he will know what to do with them.
These shrines are beautiful, TJ! Precious little jewels.... Hope your friend enjoys his new future!
Posted by: Jacqueline | October 10, 2008 at 08:57 PM
WOWZA! Great story and fantastic shrines. You inspire me again.
Posted by: Linda | October 12, 2008 at 08:06 AM