In case anybody has wondered what the studio actually looks like, here are a couple of pictures to satisfy your curiosity. I'm presenting them to you as the "before" shots. The pictures of the chaos, the resemblance to a landfill, the overwhelm I feel by the reality of the amount of work it will take to make this space a special cocoon for creation. But tomorrow arrives HOPE. A solid wood shelving unit from an old German store. I bought it after only viewing a photo which immediately reminded me of Olesen's Mercantile from Little House on the Prarie. It's probably going to take up way too much precious wall space, but it's arriving none the less. If all else fails I can throw a tantrum like Nellie Olesen. (How cool is the real life "Nellie"... just check out her site!) And stay tuned for the transformation of Studio Mailbox...
Now, now Nellie -
This isn't bad at all. I will bet Lars can help you find 'stuff'.
Personally I find this a bit too organized. Stuff is 'like' in boxes and bins and such. There is a pathway! You have this totally under control.
On another note: shelving will free up floor space so that you can buy more funky art supplies!
Carry on!
Posted by: Linda | June 17, 2008 at 06:10 AM
Thanks for this. After seeing the 'after' shots I was feeling under-dressed for the occasion!
Posted by: Magpie Sue | October 05, 2009 at 04:10 AM