My friend Jacqueline has a lovely blog. She has been a wonderful contact for me here since my move to
Usually, a reader shouldn't really care which blogging site an artist uses to create their blog. To each their own. Live and let live. But in my case, Blogger knows I'm in Germany and when I go to any Blogger-hosted blog, all the "Blogger" stuff around the edges is no longer in English.
That's right. Blogger thinks I'm German.
It's not that I can't read German. It's that I have to stop and think in order to communicate in German. I am not even close to fluent. It is extremely hard WORK. Blogger makes the whole thing not fun for me. And if I have to register in German at blogger, then I'm going to start getting blogger emails, also in German. I just want to stop the insanity!!!
Several people have had suggestions. It's something about our service provider being in Germany and the websites are finding it out. This is a typical case of somebody somewhere making a big gross assumption. Just because I'm here doesn't mean I want to be auto-defaulted to the German version of every website I visit! If I wanted to go to the German sites, wouldn't I be entering the domain names followed by ".de" instead of ".com?" Why is some cyber big-brother taking the liberty of redirecting me???
It would be different if it was consistent. For instance, it doesn't happen when I'm looking at people's Etsy shops, but it does happen if I go to Lulu. It happens at Blogger but it doesn't happen to me here at Typepad. (Thus, my reason for hosting my blog here. In English. Like I like it).
Somehow, just this week, the Germans found me at Yahoo too. The link in my favorites, which has brought me to my Yahoo homepage for about 9 years has suddenly decided to speak German to me. And I can't change it back.
There's no reason to ramble on and on about this. I'm just simply sad, because the whole point of blogging is to network and interconnect with one another. So why would these services build their sites with these functions that actually prevent this from happening?
So, for my friends out there who blog with blogger, I'm so sorry I cannot comment on your lovely postings yet. Everyday I am getting better and learning more. It's just another hill I'll have to climb when I muster the energy. For now, please know I admire and support your creations too!!!
If anybody's interested, I took this photo outside of Wuerzburg's Museum am Dom. You often see tourists lined up along the steps next to the mummy posing in strange leaning positions for a photo.